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Evaluation and Production Shots

Part of my design was hazard lines on a steel door, I had originally painted the lines without boarders as we had run out of masking tape, so the painting was very improvised and messy. Once more masking tape had been delivered, I made a last second touch up to get the lines straight. Originally my design included four walls to make a closed in and claustrophobic environment, After realizing what little recourses I had on hand and the short time frame I had to make it, I cut two of the walls, leaving my set as a corner piece showcase halving the time it would have taken and keeping the same look I wanted. My construction was also slightly rushed, this was because the paint floor I needed to use was fully booked for the first few days I had originally scheduled, next time, I should fully book the floor for my usage a week or so before hand, so I do not fall behind again. I felt as if my set dressing was slightly held back for the showcase, this was because of sone of the items I wanted, such as a metal desk fan which is iconic in the game series, could not be sourced from anywhere we knew. Next time, I will try to sort out these items much faster, maybe even before I start construction. As for the lighting, there were many changes to the lighting as me and the lighting designer tried to find how to lay the mood for the set. Originally, we had planned for some dim lighting, but the light level of the room with the other showcases made that difficult. We eventually added a birdy behind the window to show the light window being ”active” and set up a dim parkan giving it a yellow filter to give it an old filament bulb look, to give it the 80’s office vibe.


Overall, I felt the project went very well and I was happy with how the production shots turned out. However, I did feel that if I was to make this set again, I could make it to a much higher quality. For example, hanging coil from the walls like you see in the game's office, and finally getting all four walls done and maybe even a roof segment to block out other lighting. There is also a possibility I would create the hallways that branch off the office, so that I could really set the mood if you looked out the side windows. In the end, I was satisfied with my set, while knowing I could create more and improve, I am happy with what I did in the little time and zero funding I had.

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