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Evaluation and Production Shots

From the Health and Safety perspective, the show ran flawlessly, there was no injuries to my knowledge and all hazards/dangers were minimalized and correct countermeasures and precautions put in effect which was our job and objective. Over the few week runtime of the performance, the risk assessments were followed flawlessly and all of company understood the hazards while working and followed the guidelines provided by the team leading to a safe working environment over the whole performance duration. I feel as if this show went incredibly well, communication was clear between all the departments and the health and safety team and most importantly, nobody was injured.

Beauty and The Beast was a fun project to make. By the end of the production, I was very proud with how the set looked on stage and was very happy with its final look. The Rose trellis, while time consuming to make, really captured the aspect of death and love through the dead and alive roses and I believe they really brough the play together. However, the deigning process was very questionable, due to a director change and lack of communication with the designers with multiple slightly differing designs and no confirmation on which was the correct design. The set team struggled to put the set together as quickly as it could have been, and I feel we have missed the perfect opportunity to make one of the most beautiful visual aspects  that BOA Stage and Screen has to offer. So, while the beginning was rough and difficult, I am proud to say that we all stuck as a team and pulled through it together still successfully managing to create a truly beautiful and inspiring piece of set.

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